Neuro Linguistic Programming Trainin g
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Neuro-Linguistic Programming- is Brain Based Approach & Well Researched

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 Neuro-Linguistic Programming- is Brain Based Approach & Well Researched Empty Neuro-Linguistic Programming- is Brain Based Approach & Well Researched

Post by Admin Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:46 pm

NLP is Brain Based Approach
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a brain based behavioral technology. It is a set of guiding principles, Choosing attitudes, and techniques to deal with real-life situations and circumstances.

With NLP it become easier for you to change, adopt or eliminate behaviors, as you desire, and enhances your ability to choose your mental, emotional, and physical responses and appropriate states.

You discover how to deal with the unknown and accelerate growth using every single life experience as a powerful resource, thus multiply your ability to create a better quality of life. In nutshell a highly pragmatic NLP based approach increases your ability to produce your desired proficient results and creating a compelling future!

Well Researched
How has NLP originated?
Initially NLP has originated from the work of two persons, Richard Bandler and John Grinder at the University of California at Santa Cruz since 1970’s. Richard Bandler’s background was in mathematics and gestalt while John Grinder was well versed in linguistics.

They sought to formulate an easy to adopt and methodological system of change, therapy and counseling, with explicit skills and techniques, by observing the patterns of excellence. They became interested in study of people who were execellent performers, effective communicators and catalyst of change in others. They asked themselves a fundamental question. How someone who excels in a field is different from the one who is merely an average or poor performer? This question led them to the discovery of " How we create a model of perceived world and organise our thinking that influences our skills and capabilities"

They studied and worked on the models, then practiced by Fritz Perls (creator of Gestalt ), Virginia Satir (renowned family therapist) and Milton Erickson (founder of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis). They then formulated their modeling techniques under the name NLP. This was later used to model experts and leaders from diverse fields of professional communication, sales, sports, business, hypnosis, psychotherapy, and education.

This has over the time become proven model of change, transformation and leadership.

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